Spring Meeting 2003: University of Sheffield

Second Circular

The Linguistic Association of Great Britain Spring Meeting 2003 will take place at the University of Sheffield from 14th - 16th April, 2003. The local organisers are Claire Cowie ( and Therese Lindström (

The Meeting’s website is at:

Sheffield is an old industrial city close to several of the other big cities in the North of England. It is situated on the border to the beautiful Peak District, and a day-trip away from the Yorkshire Dales. In recent years the city centre has been greatly changed and 'rejuvenated', the latest additions being a modern art gallery and a winter garden on the site of the old town hall. Sheffield is beautiful around the middle of April, and Halifax Hall of Residence, where the conference will take place, has a wonderful garden where participants can have a stroll in the breaks, and it is also just around the corner from the Botanical Gardens. Presentations, the plenary lecture, the language tutorial, meetings, meals and accommodation, as well as the book display will all be in Halifax Hall.

Accommodation: In Halifax Hall there will be standard single rooms available at a low cost. If an en-suite room or a double room is required there are several Bed and Breakfast places and some hotels within walking distance from the conference venue. Please contact the local organisers for further information. If members who are travelling from afar wish to spend the night of Sunday the 13th at Halifax Hall they should contact the local organisers.

Registration: will begin at 12 noon on Monday 14th of April in the lobby of Halifax Hall.

Bar: a bar will be available during the two evenings of the conference.

Food: please indicate vegetarian and any other dietary requirements on the booking form below.

Childcare: if you require childcare during the conference, please contact the local organisers for further details.

Travel: The University of Sheffield is easy to reach by rail, air and road. There are regular Intercity and cross-country trains and connections from everywhere in Britain, and there are regular direct trains to/from Manchester airport. The railway station is a 10 minute car journey and a 40 minute walk from Halifax Hall. Bus no. 50 leaves every half hour from the Sheffield Interchange opposite the railway station and stops at the Botanical Gardens (on Brocco Bank). From the Botanical Gardens cross the road and walk up Endcliffe Vale Road to the Halifax (a 5 minute walk).

The M1 runs through Sheffield and provides people both from the north and from the south of Britain with a convenient and relatively easy way to the city. Please consult the website for directions to Halifax Hall by car. A limited amount of parking will be available at Halifax Hall.


·        The Linguistics Association 2003 Lecture on Monday evening on Kwakw'ala Clitics will be delivered by Professor Stephen Anderson (Yale)

·        There will be a Workshop on Clitics, organised by John Payne (University of Manchester).  Speakers include Peter Austin (SOAS), Dan Everett (Manchester), Marian Klamer (Leiden) and John Payne (Manchester).

·        A Language Tutorial on Inari Sami, will be given by Ida Toivonen (University of Canterbury)

·        There will be a Linguistics at School session on Community languages. The speakers are Mahendra Verma (University of York), Mike Reynolds (University of Sheffield and Sheffield Multilingual City Forum) and Arvind Bhatt (Crown Hill Community College, Leicester).
For more information, check

·        There will be a Wine Reception on Monday night, hosted by the Department of English Language and Linguistics.

Bookings: Bookings should be sent to Claire Cowie, Department of English Language and Linguistics, University of Sheffield, Western bank, Sheffield S10 2TN. Accommodation can only be guaranteed if booked before the 20th of March. Cheques should be made payable to “University of Sheffield”.

Guests: members may invite any number of guests to meetings of the association, upon payment of a guest invitation fee of 5 pounds in addition to the standard fees. Members wishing to invite guests should photocopy the enclosed booking form.

Abstracts: are available to members who are unable to attend the meeting. Please order using the booking form below.

Annual General Meeting: This is to be held on the afternoon of the 15th of April. Items for the agenda should be sent to the Honorary Secretary.

Nominations for speakers: Nominations are requested for future guest speakers; all suggestions should be sent to the Honorary Secretary.

Changes of address: Members are reminded to notify the Membership Secretary (address below) of changes of address. An institutional address is preferred; bulk mailing saves postage.

Internet home page: The LAGB internet home page can be found at the following address:

Electronic network: Please join the LAGB electronic network, which is used for disseminating LAGB information and for consulting members quickly. It can be subscribed to by sending the message "add lagb" to:



Future Meetings

4-6 September 2003                             University of Oxford
Autumn 2004 (provisional)                     University of Surrey Roehampton

The Meetings Secretary would very much like to receive offers of future venues, particularly from institutions which the LAGB has not previously visited.


Members of the LAGB organising conferences on linguistics in the UK are invited to apply for grants of up to 300 pounds; conference publicity will in return have to state that the event is sponsored by the LAGB, and membership application forms should be enclosed in reference packs. Applications should be made to the President, ideally by e‑mail to allow a quick response.



Nominations for the Committee

Wiebke Brockhaus-Grand's term as Treasurer is reaching its end, and she has indicated that she does not want to stand again. Therefore, the LAGB would like to receive nominations for a new Treasurer.

All enquiries and nominations should reach the Assistant Secretary, Gillian Ramchand, by 30 March at < >.


Committee members:



Professor April McMahon

Department of English Language and Linguistics, University of Sheffield, 5 Shearwood Road, Sheffield S10 2TD


Honorary Secretary

Dr Ad Neeleman

Dept. of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London, Gower Street, London


Membership Secretary 

Dr David Willis

Dept. of Linguistics, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA


Meetings Secretary  

Dr Marjolein Groefsema

Dept. of Linguistics, University of Hertfordshire, Watford Campus, Aldenham,

Herts. WD2 8AT



Dr Wiebke Brockhaus-Grand

Dept. of German, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL


Assistant Secretary  

Dr Gillian Ramchand

Centre for Linguistics and Philology, Walton Street, Oxford OX1 2HG





Monday 14 April


1:00 LUNCH


2.00    Workshop on clitics, organised by John Payne (University of Manchester)


John Payne (Manchester):  "The clitic-affix boundary"

Dan Everett (Manchester): "Overlap between clitics and affixes: Montana

Salish -m and Romance se"

Marian Klamer (Leiden): "Kambera clitic clusters"

Peter Austin (SOAS) "Content questions in Sasak, an OT syntax account"


3.45     TEA


            Workshop continued


6.45     DINNER


8.00     Linguistics Association 2003 Lecture: 

Professor Stephen Anderson (Yale):  ‘Kwak’wala Clitics’


9.15          WINE PARTY (sponsored by the Department of English Language and Linguistics, University of Sheffield)



Tuesday 15 April


Session A

9.00     Peter Sells (Stanford) ‘Finiteness, tense, and recoverability in Swedish’

9.40     Lutz Marten (SOAS) ‘Anaphoric locative and benefactive marking in Bemba’

10.20   Cecilia Goria (Nottingham) ‘Agreement heads inside the T-model:  an account of Piedmontese Subject Clitics’.


Session B

9.00     Mark Jones (Cambridge) ‘Polish nasal vowels and the reconstruction of Common Slavic’

9.40     Thaïs Cristófaro-Silva (Minas Gerais / King’s College London) ‘Cluster reduction in Brazilian Portuguese’

10.20   Nancy Kula (SOAS / Leiden) ‘Reduplication in inflected verb stems’.


Session C

9.00     Dmitry Levinson (Tel Aviv) ‘Probabilistic model-theoretic semantics for want

9.40     Jorunn Hetland (Trondheim) ‘Problems of terminology and problems of content:  On topics, themes, and topic-prominent languages’

10.20   Melody Clarke (York) ‘Aspectual and polarity constraints on since’.


11:00   COFFEE


Session A

11.30   Maria Pilar Larrañaga (UWE) ‘The unaccusative verbs:  acquisition of the position of the subject by bilingual (Basque / Spanish) children’

12.10   Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge) ‘Afrikaans doubling and omission phenomena and the head movement debate’.


Session B

11.30   April McMahon and Rob McMahon (Sheffield) ‘Mismatches between linguistic and genetic family trees:  the role of contact’.

12.10   Amel Kallel (Reading) ‘The loss of negative concord and the rise of polarity item any in Early Modern English’.


Session C

11.30   Ryo Otoguro (Essex) ‘Nominal clitic ordering and recursive rule blocks’

12.10   Asimakis Fliatouras (Patras) ‘A feature-based morphological analysis of Greek adjectives’.


1.00     LUNCH


Session A

2.00     Language Tutorial

Dr Ida Toivonen (Canterbury, New Zealand):  Inari Sami


Session B

2.00     Community languages

A session on Linguistics in Education organised by the LAGB's Education

Committee.    Speakers:

Mahendra Verma (University of York)

Mike Reynolds (University of Sheffield and Sheffield Multilingual City Forum)

Arvind Bhatt (Crown Hill Community College, Leicester)


4.00     TEA


4.30          AGM


6.30     DINNER


8.00-9.00         Language Tutorial continues


9.00     Wine party (sponsored  by Oxford University Press)



Wednesday 16 April


Session A

9.00     Joanne Close (York) ‘The syntactic position of contracted auxiliaries in English’

9.40     Bob Borsley (Essex) ‘Some implications of English comparative correlatives’

10.20   Benjamin Shaer (Berlin) ‘(Anti-)reconstruction effects among English fronted adjuncts’.


Session B

9.00     Mike Davenport (Durham) ‘Old English Breaking and syllable structure’

9.40     Martin Krämer (Ulster) ‘The last consonant’

10.20   Rachael-Anne Knight (Cambridge) ‘Nuclear accent shape and the perception of syllable pitch’.


Session C

9.00     Sophia Skoufaki (Cambridge) ‘The source of idiom-transparency intuitions’

9.40     Aleth Bolt (Amsterdam) ‘The complexity of grammatical metaphors’

10.20   Claire Cowie (Sheffield) ‘”Uncommon terminations”:  Proscribed words as evidence for morphological productivity’.


11.00   COFFEE


Session A

11.30      Andrew Spencer (Essex)  ‘Negation in Japanese’

12.10   Dick Hudson (UCL) ‘An alternative to rules of referral’.


Session B

11.30   Sam Featherston (Tübingen) ‘On the nature of island constraints:  Experimental data from German and English’

12.10 Theodora Alexopoulou and Frank Keller (Edinburgh) ‘Quantifying linguistic intuitions and crosslinguistic research:  evidence from resumption in islands’.


Session C

11.30   Therese Lindström (Sheffield) ‘Grammaticalisation in Britain (1870-1970)?’

12.10   Kersti Börjars, Tolli Eythòrsson and Nigel Vincent (Manchester) ‘On defining degrammaticalisation’


1.00     LUNCH


Session A

2.00     Patrizia Pacioni (Melbourne) ‘The internal structure of Cantonese NPs’

2.40     Reiko Vermeulen (UCL) ‘Ga Ga construction’.


Session B

2.00     Yoryia Agouraki (Cyprus) ‘Future Wh-clauses in DP-positions’

2.40     Sun-Ho Hong (Essex) ‘On successive cyclicity in Wh-questions’.


Session C

2.00     Bill Palmer (New South Wales / Leeds) ‘Shifting stress:  synchronic variation as a manifestation of diachronic change in Kokota (Oceanic) prosody.’

2.40     Vina Tsakali (UCL / MIT) ‘A different type of clitic doubling construction’.


3.20          TEA AND CLOSE